Senin, 16 Januari 2012 - 0 komentar
Sekarang kami sedang praktikum mandiri di lab,
cuma bermodal kepercayaan dosen...
di lab cuma bertahan sebentar mengerjakan tutorial, setelah itu saya sibuk mengupdate blog ini,,,^_^

ada yang pamer laptop baru, ada yang sibuk download, ada yang ngobrol, ada yang sibuk ledek-ledekan dan ada yang ber 'lebay ria'.
Semua seperti punya dunia sendiri(begitupun saya, hehe).

entah apa yang dipikirkan masing-masing, tapi yang jelas, saya lapaaaarrr...he

sedang kesal juga dengan seseorang, update blog= obat hati...

yoooooooooo, semangat....
Rabu, 04 Januari 2012 - 0 komentar


broken fragile wing,you are just a little tired from the sky that's too blue.
you do not have to smile for the sake of someone, it is okay to smile for your own sake.

the never changing, creeping, loneliness, the candle that burns on the inside. Contrary to an expensive chandelier in a prosperous place, what am I supposed to use to bury the cavity with not enough words? I don't even know anymore. If you can at least in your dream you can swim on your own, you won't even need that sky.
Even without painting over the thing from yesterday, I could head forward tomorrow.

The inferiority cannot be mediated easily.
the mirror that sits on the climax of your self-confidence,
that reflects the flower petal as if being completely drained trying to scream the tainted love, but it's so tantalizing. During the time you go around, the wound soon starts to change into a scab.
Without waiting for that, you awfully beautifully, awfully ephemerally.

like the peach fuzz that was pealed off. Like the shivering prayer inside the sunflower. It's okay to not push yourself into thinking you need to love someone right now.

Right now this world is a little too bright to walk looking up. If you rest your eyes so that you sink, the dry ground will sip your tears.
Why do we feel so alone anytime? It's okay to not go through everything.
Why do we feel so alone anytime? It is something to endure, but it is not courage.

alone (aqua timez)